Features / Jun 30, 2019

The Ultimate Teacher Summer Bucket-List

Teacher Summer Bucket List

It’s SUMMERTIME! It’s time for teachers to relax and enjoy a well-deserved break, while looking back over a fantastic year. What’s on your bucket list this summer? Need some ideas to unwind? We’ve asked some of our favorite TpT Teachers to share their summer bucket list items to get you started!

Kerry from KABB Educational Resources:

“Family time at the lake house, finish our kitchen remodel, relax with a good non-PD or teaching book, one just for fun!!!”

Mary from Sock Monkey Science:

“Going to the mountains and improving my teacher products. Taking time for self care. It’s ok to forget about school for a few weeks!”

Kate from Fourth Grade in Room 210:

“I want to travel and eat healthier! I also think every teacher should try to attend an awesome PD that makes you want to go back to school immediately!”

Corinna from Surfin’ Through Second:

“I’m going to read for entertainment and go on a road trip. Remember to treat yourself! It’s okay to be selfish and take time to take care of you!”

Theresa from The Limitless Classroom:

“Travel to a state I’ve never been to before, and DIY a playground in my yard for my kids! This summer, take 20 minutes a day to do something for yourself that you love!”

Jennifer from The Multicultural Classroom:

Exercise and rest! Make sure to take time for you, put work away, have a day outing with friends.”

Emily from A Piece of Primary:

Emily WSchlitterbahn Water Park: It really is the hottest, coolest time in Texas. Also, find 8 hours alone. No pressure to talk or take care of anyone. We all need a good detox break!”

Tara from Teach Without Tears:

“The first item on my bucket list isn’t very exciting, but I have to get my house cleaned. No spring cleaning takes place because of school, so I use the summer to clean up the mess. The second thing on my bucket list is to spend lots of time with my kids this summer.”

Stephanie from Kindershenanigans:

“Going to the beach to trade my lesson plans for a sun tan! Taking some much needed “me time” in summer!”

Hilary from Pencils to Pigtails:

“I am spending time with my family and soaking in some time at the beach! I think all teachers should try to fit in a spa day, read a new book, lots of napping… whatever makes you feel refreshed for a new year!”

Diane from One Giggle:

Travel and self-pampering are my must-do bucket list items for this summer!”

Casey from Organize and Educate:

“Go to a concert and organize a cookout at the pool with friends! Taking a true break from school!”

Laura from Learning Bilingually:

“Explore, enjoy and disconnect! My biggest goal every summer is to travel! This summer I will be traveling to Dubai, Bali and Thailand for a month.”

Marine from Tales From a Very Busy Teacher:

“As a teacher mom I always find it hard to balance work and home life, so this summer I really want to live in the moment with my boys and enjoy new experiences with them like teaching them how to ride bikes without training wheels, how to swim free style across the pool without pool floats, and see Toy Story 4 at the El Capitan in Hollywood, CA!”

Bethany from Using Educational Technology:

“Sleeping in and heading to the beach! Rest and recharge!”




There you have it! Some great ideas to start your well-deserved summer off right. What else is on your bucket list this summer break? Let us know in the comments below!

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